The Life Ahead, directed by Edoardo Ponti, who is Loren’s son, is set to be released later this year, according to entertainment website Deadline. Loren’s character takes in a 12-year-old boy who recently robbed her.
The film is a contemporary adaptation of French author Romain Gary’s 1975 novel The Life Before Us.
“In my career, I’ve worked with the biggest studios, but I can safely say that none have had the breadth of reach and the cultural diversity of Netflix, and that’s what I love about them,” Loren, 85, told Deadline. “They have understood that you don’t build a global studio unless you cultivate local talent in every country and give these unique voices an opportunity to be heard.”
Ibrahima Gueye, Renato Carpentieri and Massimiliano Rossi also star in the film.