Leave it to Londoners to create something so simply put, yet sophisticated. Bravo. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv #peace pic.twitter.com/2Ttk2HtopW
— Summer Suleiman (@SummerSuleiman) December 6, 2015
I'm Muslim and my mum gets mad if I harm a spider. Islam teaches peace. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Mirakool Jay Jaziah (@ImMirakool) December 6, 2015
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv is my favorite hashtag this year. Put the bigotry aside and stop blaming an entire religion for the actions of a few.
— Malak Shafik (@MalakShafik) December 6, 2015
"You're not a Muslim, bruv. You're an embarrassment." Passerby gets the last ten years down in a sentence. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Matt Kelly (@mk1969) December 6, 2015
Proud that so many Londoners are uniting behind #YouAintNoMuslimBruv – we will not be divided
— Boris Johnson (@MayorofLondon) December 7, 2015
Anyone who screams "this is for Syria" & stabs innocents is 1) an evil sociopath 2) acting politically not religiously #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Dr.SayedANakshawani (@SANakshawani) December 6, 2015
"You're not a Muslim, bruv. You're an embarrassment." Passerby gets the last ten years down in a sentence. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Matt Kelly (@mk1969) December 6, 2015
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv is my favorite hashtag this year. Put the bigotry aside and stop blaming an entire religion for the actions of a few.
— Malak Shafik (@MalakShafik) December 6, 2015
I'm Muslim and my mum gets mad if I harm a spider. Islam teaches peace. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Mirakool Jay Jaziah (@ImMirakool) December 6, 2015
Leave it to Londoners to create something so simply put, yet sophisticated. Bravo. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv #peace pic.twitter.com/2Ttk2HtopW
— Summer Suleiman (@SummerSuleiman) December 6, 2015
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv - Best hashtag ever. "This isn't a religion problem, it's a human problem." Truer words never spoken
— geekchic (@geekchic85) December 6, 2015