About Me: Katharine Sutcliffe

kathrine sutclife 298 (photo credit: )
kathrine sutclife 298
(photo credit: )
Try one yourself >>> Residence: UK Married? With children? Yes, two Boys, one grandson Occupation: Retired Christian bookshop owner Education: High School Pets: None Religious affiliation / observance: Cristian Zionist / Evangelical Baptist Last person / party I voted for: Conservative Family history (100 words max): Younger daughter of a middle class nominal Christian family. Most people would say that my passion for Israel suggests that somewhere I have jewish roots. Defining moment: In 1986 I came on a pilgrimage to Israel and never expected it to change my life and thinking. I have since returned more than twenty times. My favorite holiday: I was once in Eilat during Purim, what a great occasion - You certainly know how to celebrate On Friday night, I... spend some quiet time with my family Comfort food: Falafel - when I get the chance! My mentor: King David - the Psalmist. He's kept me going through a difficult situation 3 wishes: That Israel may know peace but not at any price. That the world would wake up and see al the good and positive things in Israel. That my family would know G-d's blessing Try one yourself >>> Meet IDF combat soldier Nicole and all 'About Me' participants