Residence: Wolverine Lake, MI but soon to be Ra'anana
Married? With children? Single with no kiddies
Current occupation: Writer/Government Student
Dream job/career: Novel writer and conflict resolver
What are you most proud of: Bringing together my families on both sides of the pond
Religious affiliation / observance: I'm a Jew. Just a Jew
Last person / party I voted for: President Bush/Republican
Next person / party I will vote for: John McCain/Republican
My history (100 words max): I was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit with a strong connection to Judaism and Israel. I made Aliyah on 6/6/06 and that significant date pretty much sums up my first few days in Israel- Hellish. I returned to the States a year later to take care of family problems but I will soon return home
Family history (100 words max): For the most part I am Polish and Hungarian. All four of my grandparents are Holocaust survivors in VERY different ways. My dad was born in D.P. camp in Germany. My mom is a first generation American in my family. My siblings and I were raised to be extremely blunt and honest. Oddly enough, so were my cousins all the way in Israel and Germany. I love it when Israelis tell me I'm sooo Polish- it's a compliment to me
Greatest invention: Aspirin. It can help your headache and help save you from a heart attack. Amazing!
If you could have dinner with any person in the world it would be: My maternal great-grandmother, Helen Naftoli Schwarcz. I hear she was a force to be reckoned with
If you could go anywhere on vacation, it would be: Would love to go to Syria and Tibet
Feminine/masculine trait I'd like to have: I'd like to be a little softer and not as "hard core" as I am
What angers you: Stupid people who think their Ipod is the end all and be all in life
What makes you happy: Watching my family grow
Last book I read was: The Tipping Point
Comfort food: Mashed Potatoes and KFC (kosher of course)
Anything you regret? Not moving to Israel sooner
My life five years from now: Working in the Israeli government, happily married, and well on my way to a doctorate
You may not like it but I have something controversial to say: I can't stand Liberal Jews who say everything in the Middle East is Israel's fault. What event needs to happen for American Jews to wake up and see we are no safer now than we were in Europe in the 1930s. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Without Israel, we have no home to shelter us and bring us together
Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 8
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