NASA: Mishap report on satellite mission too sensitive to release
DART spacecraft shut down halfway into 24-hour mission and failed to complete several tasks.
Saying the information is too sensitive, NASA announced Friday that it will not release its report on the failed rendezvous of two spacecraft in what would have been the first such maneuver without human intervention.
NASA plans to release a summary of why the DART spacecraft did not complete its mission last year, but the full 70-page document contains details protected by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, space agency spokesman Michael Braukus said.
Launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in April 2005, the 800-pound Demonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology spacecraft successfully located the Pentagon satellite it was to rendezvous with and flew within 300 feet of it.
The project ended prematurely, however, when the spacecraft shut down halfway into the 24-hour mission and failed to complete several automated tasks, including circling the satellite and making close approaches.
The $110 million project was meant to test whether robots can perform some of the tasks astronauts currently must do. Such advancements could lead to the robotic delivery of cargo to space stations and automated docking and repair between spacecraft.
An initial analysis found that DART suffered a fuel problem, but engineers did not detect a fuel leak. The mission manager also has said the robotic vehicle detected navigational errors with its on-board computers.