COFIZZ IS to join an ever growing abundance of eateries along Jaffa Road and Ben-Yehuda Street and their off-shoots when it opens, January 19, on what was once the site of a fancy lingerie store near the corner of Ben-Yehuda and Histadrut. The three Cofizz partners – Amir Amsalem and Moshe Mizrahi of Jerusalem along with Lilach Arazi of Ramat Gan – have worked for Cofix in Tel Aviv, which started a revolution in the country’s coffee-shop market by radically undercutting the prices of its rivals, who were forced to charge less to stay in business. The trio wanted to start a Cofix franchise and were under the impression that they’d reached an understanding with the low-cost chain, but the plan fell through. Undeterred, they thought up a similar name, and just like Cofix, will have a fixed price of NIS 5 for takeaway coffee, sandwiches, freshly squeezed juice, ice cream, muffins and the like, and it will even be kosher Lemehadrin.TUESDAY OF this week marked the 89th anniversary according to the Gregorian calendar of the birth of Shlomo Carlebach, popularly known as the “Singing Rabbi.”Meanwhile, Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo, the Jerusalem-based yeshiva with varied programs for men and women, which is named after him and inspired by his teachings, is this month celebrating its 10th anniversary. The occasion will be marked with a Melaveh Malka on Saturday night, January 25, at the banquet hall in Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, where yeshiva head Rabbi Sholom Brodt – who also heads the Judaic studies program and like Carlebach tells stories to illustrate the lesson – is expecting a large turnout. A graduate of Concordia University, Montreal, with an MA in Jewish education from Yeshiva University, New York, Brodt has involved in formal and informal Jewish education for over 30 years. The guest speaker at the 10th anniversary celebration will be Rabbi Chaim Brovender, founder of both Yeshivat Hamivtar and the first online interactive yeshiva WebYeshiva. There will also be an abundance of singing and dancing with Yonatan Razel, Shlomo Katz, Raz Hartman, Leibish Hundert and Yona Rothman providing the impetus. A yeshiva milestone cannot be celebrated without some Torah teaching, and several of the teachers will share their knowledge. It is also a fund raiser. Entrance is NIS 75 for students, NIS 90 for individual tickets and NIS 150 for two tickets. If you book in advance the tickets are up to NIS 15 cheaper. To register email A JERUSALEMITE has been appointed director of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies.
The IAJGS, an umbrella organization for 74 Jewish genealogical organizations worldwide, has appointed Garri Regev to the role of IAJGS director-at-large. Technosavvy expert genealogist Regev, a Jerusalem resident since 1978, brings her experience in not-for-profits and in the management of large-scale genealogical projects to her new duties, effective immediately. Regev is currently working on a database on the holdings of the Central Zionist Archives regarding illegal immigration to Mandate Palestine. She also volunteers at the Israel Museum. In 20 years of genealogical research she has lectured at IAJGS International Jewish Genealogy conferences, Hadassah and Touro College programs, at the Association of Americans & Canadians in Israel (AACI) and at the EVA/Minerva Conference on the digitization of cultural heritage. She served as chairwoman of the Jerusalem Genealogical Society and then president of the Israel Genealogical Society and is president of the Israel Genealogy Research Association. Regev is active at the National Library of Israel Genealogy Center. In addition to her participation on the IAJGS board of directors, she serves on the Steering Committee for the 35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy to be held in Jerusalem in July 2015.