Kenya: Muslim group cancels rally against race

A Muslim group that threatened to disrupt this weekend's world cross-country championships called off plans Thursday for a mass demonstration, saying the United States had stoked fear about the event by issuing a terrorism alert. Sheik Mohamed Dor, secretary-general of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya, said his group had wanted to use the presence of international media gathered in Mombasa for the races to draw attention to Kenyans who are detained in Somalia and Ethiopia on suspicion of terrorism. But he said a rally planned to coincide with Saturday's races was canceled because "enemies" of Muslims might exploit the furor surrounding the US terror alert and cause violence. "There's a very likely chance that our enemies will take advantage of our reputation that Muslims are the ones who like violence, and who are connected with terrorists," Dor told The Associated Press in this coastal city.