By JPOST.COM STAFFpa burn danish flag 298(photo credit: AP)Iran to 'immediately' resume uranium enrichmentSaturday, February 04, 2006 15:50
Iran announced its intention to continue its nuclear program just minutes after the International Atomic Energy Association decided on Saturday to refer it to the UN Security Council. A draft of the decision expressed lack of confidence that Iran did not plan to develop nuclear weapons, and insisted that the Islamic repubic agree to increased supervision in its nuclear plants. A compromise reached between the US and Egypt over creating a nuclear weapon-free middle east, made the draft possible.
Fischer: Israel has stable economySaturday, February 04, 2006 11:29
Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer said on Saturday that the Israeli economy showed remarkable stability following the crises of Sharon's incapacitation and Hamas victory in the PLC elections. Fischer said he was not concerned by "election economy" affecting the national budget; the three major parties proposed sound financial policies. He proposed that Israel distinguish between those who can work and those who can't, and provide aid to the latter. He also suggested implementing "reverse income tax" to help those with low income.
Nations welcome IAEA voteSaturday, February 6, 2006 9:30
US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld called Iran the world's "leading state sponsor of terrorism" and said its nuclear program must be stopped. However, he said the issue should be solved by diplomatic means. Rumsfeld appealed to US allies to remain resolute in the war against terror.
Security Council tells Hamas to accept peace with IsraelSaturday, February 04, 2006 2:36
A UNSC statement on Saturday commended Palestinians for conducting elections properly, but insisted Hamas negotiate with Israel on the basis of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The council underlined the Palestinian Authority's obligation to prevent terrorist attacks and dismantle terrorist infrastructures. Meanwhile, Hamas and Fatah have met several times recently to discuss formation of the next government.
Stabbing thwarted in Kiev synagogueFriday, February 3, 2006 17:28
Security guards at the central synagogue in Kiev thwarted an attempted stabbing Friday evening. The would-be stabber, who appeared to be in his 60s, arrived at the synagogue and asked to speak with the rabbi. When they were alone, the man brandished a knife and shouted that "all Jews should be killed."
Baby sustains wounds in Kassam attackFriday, February 3, 2006 16:25
A Kassam attack on Kibbutz Carmiya on Friday wounded four members of the Amar family, including seven-month-old Osher, who were evacuated from northern Gaza during the disengagement. The paramedic who arrived at the scene was Osher's grandfather. In response, the IDF shelled launch sites in northern Gaza.