Zaka Tel-Aviv: Protecting and saving lives in times of tragedy


Zaka needs your help!

For over twenty years, Zaka Tel-Aviv has been the elite emergency response unit of central Israel, serving in over 21 cities across the country with thousands of volunteers. Zaka Tel-Aviv is recognized as a civil extension of Israel’s emergency services and is the only emergency response unit authorized to operate in central Israel.

Throughout the war, Zaka search-and-rescue volunteers have been directly summoned by the IDF and the Israeli Police to address critical situations and minimize casualties, due to the organization’s vital role in Israel’s emergency response framework.

Beyond rescue missions, Zaka Tel-Aviv actively engages in the dignified handling and identification of the deceased, ensuring respect and care in every circumstance. With twenty years of unwavering service and backed by thousands of committed volunteers, the dedication of Zaka’s volunteers showcases their deep commitment to the people of Israel.

Donating to Zaka Tel-Aviv is a tangible way to support Israel’s immediate needs. Your contribution will bolster Zaka’s efforts on the ground, ensuring that it can provide the necessary aid in the face of this catastrophe. Thank you for standing with Israel during these difficult times.

The heroes of Zaka work on a volunteer basis. Help Zaka Tel-Aviv renew its equipment and its budget so that it can continue doing its holy work. 

This article was written in cooperation with Zaka Tel-Aviv