The protest is supported by the ‘Israeli victory project’, which has the stated goal of bringing Israeli victory over the Palestinians in order to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“We support the security forces and the state and call on them to never cease action, until the last rocket in the Gaza Strip is destroyed and the last terrorist’s life is over,” the protest organizers said.
“We are sick of promises, it’s time for actions. After years of terror and fear - it’s time for a clear conclusion. Enemies are something you defeat, not contain.”On top of that, they demanded leaders take more severe action against Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists so that they can end the "another round of rockets” way of life so that their children will be able to live in peace and without fear.
The protestors will have specially marked umbrellas with the writing: “Stopping the rain of rockets”
“The people of the Gaza border communities have gotten used to living in shelters. Their children have been forced to give up their childhoods and learn how to live under fire and all the while we’re continuing to agree to cease fires” Nava Dromi, CEO of the ‘Middle East forum- Israel’, which runs the ‘Israeli victory project’ said. “After many attempts at ceasefires have failed, it’s time to defeat Hamas in a military, political and economic sense to ensure quiet to the people of the south and the citizens of Israel in particular. The role of Israel, now more than ever, is to attack Hamas and the Islamic Jihad to give them a powerful message, that we have no more patience for terrorism.”