The Knick, a new TV drama, looks at the professional and personal lives of staff at a fictitious New York hospital during the early 20th century.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFFILM SPY STORY A Most Wanted Man is a British spy thriller based on the novel of the same name by John le Carré. The film stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams, Willem Dafoe, Robin Wright, Daniel Brühl and Nina Hoss. In the film, Günther Bachmann (Hoffman), a German espionage agent in Hamburg, investigates a local Muslim speaker and a Chechen immigrant for terrorist connections. Also involved are a lawyer for refugees (McAdams), an American agent (Wright) and a banker (Dafoe).TV THE GOOD DOCTOR The Knick, a new TV drama series directed by Steven Soderbergh, looks at the professional and personal lives of the staff at New York’s (fictitious) Knickerbocker Hospital (The Knick) during the early part of the 20th century. Dr. John Thackery (Clive Owen), the newly appointed head of the surgical staff, battles his cocaine and opium addictions with his ambition for medical discovery and reputation among his peers. YES VOD from August 28 and from September 6 at 10 p.m. on yes oh HD.ART HEROES CAST IN STONE The new exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Haifa, “Mythological Deities and Heroes in Greco-Roman Sculpture,” presents sculptures and illustrations of myths frequently depicted by sculptors and artists of ancient Greece. Pottery vessels were illustrated with scenes from the stories, and stone, pottery or metal figurines were also fashioned.From August 30 to May 1, 2015. For more information: (04) 843-6622 and DANCECAUGHT IN A TIME LOOP The Clipa theater company will perform Idit Herman’s dance piece Forever/Never at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday (8:30 p.m.). Forever/ Never is a site-specific work that straddles the increasingly blurred demarcation between visual art and performance. The piece was created in and for the corridor of the Tel Aviv Museum and feeds off the striking architectural features of the physical surroundings.
For tickets, call (03) 607-7020.MUSIC INFECTIOUS SOUNDS All the tickets to local cult rock band Infectzia’s reunion concert at Tel Aviv’s Barby Club on September 10 were sold out eight hours after the band announced their reunion, so they have added another date, September 6. The successful band, which stopped performing together eight years ago, mixes metal, rock, punk and pop.For tickets, go to FLAMENCO The Culture and Community Project of the International Bank will host an openair concert by the Andalusia Orchestra titled “Flamenco – The Golden Age.” On the program are flamenco puro (pure flamenco) pieces with soloists.Next Thursday at 8 p.m. in the square adjacent to the bank at 42 Rothschild Ave. in Tel Aviv. Free with advance reservations: (03) 513-0001.MIXED TIME TO EAT OUT The annual gourmet festival Chef Tochal will continue until next Thursday. Some of the best restaurants are offering special menus and full meals, including starter, main course and dessert. Set price of NIS 79 on weekdays and NIS 89 on weekends.To find a restaurant near you, go to or call 077-560-0978.KEG PARTY Haifa is hosting the Goldstar Beer Festival.For two days, the city will be transformed into a festivity zone, with a wide range of parties and concerts with top musicians such as Avraham Tal, Hadag Nahash, Knesiyat Hasechel and Rami Fortis. All free of charge.Wednesday and Thursday at Migrashei Ethos in Haifa.DANCE THE NAKED TRUTH Inspired by Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music, in which the German philosopher praises the transcendent liberation of dancing, French choreographer Olivier Dubois’s iconic work Tragédie is the conclusion of a trilogy. The point is the shedding of sociopolitical shackles and rediscovering a common humanity. In this respect, the nakedness of the dancers feels slightly less gratuitous than it might.Tragédie will be performed at the Opera House in Tel Aviv from September 17 to 20.WINE AT THE MUSEUM The Israel Museum’s Wine Festival will take place from September 1 to 4 between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. For the entry price of NIS 85, visitors will be able to enjoy unlimited refills of their wine glass, as well as gourmet food stalls and live music.The Big Bambu installation will be open for an extra NIS 10 until 9:30 p.m. Israel Museum, Jerusalem 9 10 2 ‘The Knick,’ a new TV drama series YES VOD from August 28.