Redefining family and readjusting the big tent Horoscopes for Shvat 5780
Venus, which enters Aquarius on February 1, heads straight for the Super Bowl of emotional vulnerability with Venus square Uranus, conjunct Saturn, and sextile wounded healer Chiron on February 6
The doorway to the Aquarian Age swung open at the Jupiter/Tzedek conjunction to Saturn/Shabbtai on Tekufah Tevet, the winter solstice, in the sign of Aquarius. Now comes Hodesh Shvat, ruler of Aquarius itself, modeling revolution with Uranus/Oron stationing direct at the Sun’s conjunction to Pluto on January 14. Powerful social earthquakes remake the landscape with lightning speed. Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus/Oron in Taurus on January 17, priming the pump for identity crises, both personal and collective, and sea changes in directions of established institutions. We are receiving revolutionary understandings of ourselves in the context of our various affinity groups because of the tremendous social stressors we’re all enduring. “I get by with a little help from my friends” becomes the theme song of Hodesh Shvat – indeed, the anthem of much of 2021 itself.The full moon in Leo on Tu Bishvat, January 28, comes with the conjunction of Venus/Noga to Pluto in Capricorn, and the Sun to Jupiter in Aquarius. This could be one of the best days in all of 2021, so don’t waste all that warmth, charisma, power, passion, and enthusiasm on unworthy activities or undeserving people. Mercury/Kochav retrograde from January 30 dials back radical rhetoric. Sun conjunct Mercury on February 8 brings surprising news; Mercury square Mars/Ma’adim on February 10 challenges facts and questions sources.Venus, which enters Aquarius on February 1, heads straight for the Super Bowl of emotional vulnerability with Venus square Uranus, conjunct Saturn, and sextile wounded healer Chiron on February 6. Will personal relationships survive ideological challenges? Take a clue from tribal ruler Asher, who generously shared his bounty with his brethren, providing sustenance and creating harmony. This is our collective challenge: expanding our definition of “family” and enlarging our hearts to fit everyone inside.ARIES/TALEHThe difference between righteous indignation and destructive anger is emotional maturity. Yours will be tested on January 20 when Mars/Ma’adim conjuncts Uranus/Oron at the first quarter Moon in Taurus. Mars squares Jupiter/Tzedek on January 23, magnifying the influence of your voice. Sun squares Mars on February 1, demanding you identify uncompromisable bedrock values and locations of your red lines, because the assault against both is real and has long-term consequences. Be exceedingly circumspect with your words at Mercury/Kochav’s retrograde square to Mars on February 10. Like tribal ruler Yehuda, you risk everything to do the right thing.TAURUS/SHORTribal leader Issachar’s gift of discerning the times is your most important attribute as conservative Saturn/Shabbtai in revolutionary Aquarius squares radical Uranus/Oron in traditional Taurus in 2021. Jupiter/Tzedek squares Uranus in Taurus on January 17 enlarging your public visibility and Venus/Noga’s conjunction to Pluto on Tu Bishvat, at the Full Leo Moon January 28, super sizes your personal power. Venus in Aquarius from February 1 helps you read the signs of the times. February 6 is the Super Bowl of emotional vulnerability with Venus square Uranus, conjunct Saturn, and sextile Chiron: Play to win!GEMINI/T’OMIMMercury/Kochav’s retrograde in Aquarius from January 30 takes you on a sentimental journey to another time in your life which lives rent-free in your memory and imagination, but was it as great as you are remembering? Tribal ruler Zevulon’s travels took similar wayward routes, but always for a reason. Your own motives, to which you may be in some part blind, are revealed at the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury retrograde February 8. Purpose and meaning are what you seek, and you’re willing to confront your inner obstacles at Mercury retrograde’s square to Mars/Ma’adin on February 10.CANCER/SARTAN
The new moon of Hodesh Shvat January 13 reminds you that sharing is caring, but first you must trust those you share with are worthy of your generosity. First quarter Moon in Taurus on January 20 reminds you of important common values which are the bedrocks of your friendships and community. Full Leo Moon on Tu Bishvat on January 28 is a huge boost to your sense of personal value and worth. Last quarter Moon in Scorpio on February 4 has you questioning whether giving the full measure of your devotion to anything you’re less than passionate about is a wise investment.LEO/ARYEHSun’s conjunction to powerful Pluto on January 14 triggers tribal leader Shimon’s indignant rage at perceived injustice. Jupiter/Tzedek’s square to Uranus/Oron on January 17 reflects inner conflict over your professional role and the important partnership relationships you value. Full Leo Moon on January 28, Tu Bishvat, with Sun conjunct Jupiter is literally your lucky day. It’s as if you literally can do no wrong, so do right! Stubborn self-righteousness must find compromise and humility at the Sun’s square to Mars/Ma’adim on February 1 or risk real relationship harm at the Sun’s conjunction to retrograde Mercury in Aquarius.VIRGO/BETULAHMercury/Kochav’s retrograde in Aquarius from January 30 has you backpedaling through the list of distractions undermining your mental, physical, and emotional health. Sift through everything which detours you from equanimity and discard the segues and sidebars leading to cul de sacs going nowhere. Commit tribal leader Gad’s troops to guarding your good sense when the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury retrograde on February 8 reveals where the weakness in your line of defense is located. Mercury squares Mars/Ma’adim on February 10 summons fighting words; defend your ideals against brutish, base intruders who want to sully them with doubt.LIBRA/MOZNAYIMThe conjunction of Venus/Noga to Pluto at the full Leo Moon of Tu Bishvat on January 28 is a recipe for powerful passion. You may shock yourself by discovering that strong attraction sparked by one previously relegated to the friendship zone when Venus enters Aquarius on February 1. February 6 is a three-way kiss between Venus and Uranus/Oron, Saturn/Shabbtai and wounded healer Chiron, generating so much potential for body, mind, heart and soul healing you dare not miss this opportunity. Say yes to vulnerable, joyful weirdness and let go of caring about what the neighbors think.SCORPIO/AKRAVSun’s conjunction to Pluto on January 14 imbues you with passionate purpose. Mars/Ma’adim’s conjunction to Uranus at First quarter Moon in Taurus January 20 signals impulsive decisions of the radically traditional type. Mars square Jupiter/Tzedek on January 23 energizes conflict over ideals and beliefs. Venus/Noga’s Tu Bishvat conjunction to Pluto on January 28 produces irresistibly magnetic attraction. Ego and energy levels clash at Sun’s square to Mars on February 1; are you really up for the challenges you demand of yourself? Last quarter Moon in Scorpio on February 4 weaves wonderfully tied-up endings to efforts from last year.SAGITTARIUS/KaSHaTJupiter/Tzedek’s square to Uranus/Oron on January 17 sets the stage for a year during which you must watch every word you say about yourself, as your self-descriptive statements will surely come true. This alchemical magic allows you to speak truth into manifested reality most effectively for self-healing and integrative understandings of health. Sun conjunct Jupiter at the full Leo Moon of Tisha Be’av, rekindling faith with a purer and more refined flame than you’ve ever had. Nourish, protect, and defend your mind-body connection as you would a baby, and allow shame no seat at the table.CAPRICORN/G’DIA great leap forward when Sun conjuncts Saturn/Shabbtai on January 23, melding noble ideals with practical methodologies. Your personal values can’t tolerate separating core beliefs from compelling action one moment longer: channel tribal leader Dan’s fiercely protective energy to guard against encroachment by fear-fueled procrastination. Venus/Noga conjuncts Saturn on February 6, beautifying the blessing of shared fellowship over common causes. Saturn sextiles wounded healer Chiron on February 9, providing a path of safety and containment for feelings of vulnerability. You are cared for! How good and how pleasant it is for ideological siblings to dwell together in unity!AQUARIUS/D’LIUranus/Oron stations direct January 14 on Rosh Hodesh Shvat, aiming you in the right direction – straight up, as John Lennon said, “to the toppermost of the poppermost!” Jupiter/Tzedek’s square to Uranus on January 17 followed by Mars/Ma’adim conjunct Uranus on January 20 enlarges your sense of personal power, the foundation of which lies in your original and iconoclastic “home” and “family.” Venus/Noga squares Uranus on February 6, connecting you with important allies. New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 calls you back to basics: the roots of revolution need nurture before the branches bear fruit.PISCES/DAGIMJupiter/Tzedek squares Uranus/Oron on January 17, opening channels in your subconscious/unconscious mind; that’s where the gold is buried. Be brave enough to mine deeply for that elusive treasure! Venus/Noga sextiles Neptune/Rahav on January 23, bringing a burst of fantastic creativity, especially in the realm of the communicative arts. The Sun/Jupiter conjunction on the Leo full Moon of Tu Bishvat on January 28 rouses dormant desire for the blissful melding into undifferentiated oneness you long for and makes you sharply aware of needing something substantial to offer a partner to achieve that oneness.