WATCH: What do we have in common?

Viral video - now in English - asks what unites us instead of divides us

WE (ENGLISH)- Generation One
It can be easy to spot the differences among us. The tall, the short, the religious, the secular, the fat and the thin, the rich, the poor and the variety of shades of skin all around us.
But sometimes it can be harder to imagine the similarities.
A new video released two weeks ago in Hebrew and several days ago in English by the Generate One project asks people to realize what they have in common with each other.
The video participants were first split into groups: Arabs, settlers, religious, kibbutznikim, rich, poor, hippies, those from Tel Aviv, and those easily identifiable by their dark skin color.
But then, the organization asked them to realize what they had in common.
"Who here is a nerd?" an organizer asked, and a group made up of members of each division emerged. Who is divorced? Who smokes marijuana? Who loves to dance? Who has been bullied, and who has been a bully?
Who is in love, and who is heartbroken?
As the questions progress, it becomes more clear how much everyone, despite their seeming differences, had in common.
The Hebrew version of the video has received more than 740,000 views on Facebook, and more than 9,000 shares.
"So maybe," the video ends, "the old story of separation and division, doesn't work for us anymore."
Generation One is an NGO run entirely by volunteers, which says it was "founded in order to ignite a transformation in the collective consciousness."
The organization runs a variety of projects, which is says are designed to "promote justice and peace by setting an example, taking action and encouraging people to expand their perspective beyond the separate self."