Since Even is married to outgoing Interior Minister and Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar, she was instructed that interviews with Likud politicians are taboo on her nightly news program.
By GREER FAY CASHMANFormer interior minister Gideon Sa'ar.(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Veteran Channel 1 anchorwoman Geula Even will return to work on Sunday, following a dramatic week of events in her personal and professional life.On Tuesday, Even was suspended from her job by Ayala Hasson, the recently appointed head of Channel 1’s news division, for violating her instructions over a conflict of interest.Since Even is married to outgoing Interior Minister and Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar, she was instructed that interviews with Likud politicians are taboo on her nightly current affairs program The Supplement.Despite the warning, Even interviewed Likud MK Gila Gamliel, which resulted in an argument between her and Hasson. Even stormed out of the studio an hour before she was due to go on air. Hasson’s reaction was to suspend her and replace her temporarily with other broadcasters.But following Sa’ar’s announcement that he was taking a break from politics, the suspension was lifted on Wednesday night, and Even will be back in the saddle on Sunday, according to Israel Broadcasting Authority spokeswoman Linda Bar.In the immediate aftermath of the suspension, there was speculation that Hasson had acted as she did in order to find favor in the eyes of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.But by way of proving her objectivity, Hasson, who anchors Israel Radio’s It’s all Talk on Thursdays, stepped back and gave the microphone to the radio’s political reporter, Yoav Krakovski, for the purpose of discussing Sa’ar’s decision.She told him he was free to talk with no holds barred, and could relate what had taken place between her and Even.When she lifted the suspension on Wednesday, Hasson, who for years has been a personal friend of Even’s, said that Even was a first-rate journalist.Hasson received the Ometz award on Thursday in recognition of her unwavering commitment to exposing corruption. Ometz, founded by journalist Arye Avneri, is dedicated to the promotion of clean government.