The case was reported to the police, and a hospital social worker contacted the welfare authorities.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHA baby in a stroller or carriage (illustrative)(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petah Tikva reported last week that it pulled out a “jelly ball” toy from the intestine of a oneyear- old baby. And on Wednesday night, a baby in the North was brought to Emek Medical Center suffering from cannabis poisoning.Rushed to the emergency department, the first infant suffered from bloating, vomiting and feeling ill. An ultrasound of the baby by Dr. Yaniv Lakovsky, a senior physician in the imaging department, showed what looked like a cyst blocking his intestine.In consultation with Dr. Arthur Bazov, a senior surgeon, Dr. Anastasia Almog, a senior physician in the surgical department, and Dr. Michael Segal, the baby was rushed to the operating room. There, they were amazed to find that what they thought was a cyst was actually a small jelly ball, which the baby had picked up from the floor and swallowed. The resulting blockage when it swelled with water endangered his life. The surgeons removed the ball, and the baby was hospitalized in the surgical department for supervision and follow-up.About a year ago, a threeyear- old toddler from Bnei Brak was rushed to Schneider after swallowing 15 such toys. Fortunately, they passed through his intestine and did not cause harm. To the joy of the team at Schneider Children’s, the previous case ended without complications as a result of swallowing them.Almog commented that jelly balls, which swell inside the body, pose a real life danger to small children, just like swallowing batteries or magnets. “We repeatedly warn our parents not to allow their children to play with small objects that may be swallowed by them, to be alert and to keep small objects out of the reach of infants and young children, because swallowing can cause significant damage.”Meanwhile, a 10-month-old baby from the Jezreel Valley was rushed to the Emek Medical Center in Afula in very serious condition after he was poisoned by cannabis. He was first taken to French Hospital in Nazareth but when he almost lost consciousness and had difficulty breathing, he was transferred to Afula.His parents were unable to explain the cause of his condition. Doctors thought he had meningitis or even a concussion. But then they remembered that they had seen the child put a cannabis cigarette butt into his mouth. It was not clear how much of the drug he had actually ingested.Dr. Gur Zamir, the head of intensive care, said the symptoms were typical of cannabis poisoning because the active ingredient, THC, may suppress breathing in children.The case was reported to the police, and a hospital social worker contacted the welfare authorities.