The ministry employs 363 Israeli-Arabs, Druse and Circassians which constitutes 9% of the employment pool
By YONAH JEREMY BOBJustice Minister Ayelet Shaked(photo credit: REUTERS)
An internal Justice Ministry report found the ministry has progressed in its goal to hire from a wide selection of the population, with women making up 67 percent of the office.The report also found that the ministry has fallen short in its goals of more hires from the Ethiopian community and of disabled persons.It was initiated by Justice Ministry Director-General Emi Palmor to check up on the goals she had set were actually being implemented.Even in senior positions, women make up 60% of the ministry’s workforce as compared to 38% of all senior government positions according to the 2014 Shtauber Report.However, the report did find that the general wagegap between men and women favored men by 12%. It also found that the wage gap between men and women only favored men by 4% in the largest sub-units.The ministry employs 363 Israeli-Arabs, Druse and Circassians which constitutes 9% of the employment pool. 100 of those employees got their positions through a standard hiring process, while 263 were part of a special process to increase diversity in hiring.The improvement was slight, with only a 1% increase in Israeli-Arab employment over the last year.The shortfall in the Ethiopian sector is stark, with only 30 Ethiopian employees making up less than 1% of the workforce.Also, disabled-persons only make-up 1.% of the workforce with only 60 total disabled employees in the entire ministry.