Participation rate of teenagers in pre-military programs rises sharply
Due to high demand, two new preparation centers will open this year: in Givat Haviva and Beit Berl College.
By YAAKOV LAPPINSOME 3,600 teenagers are set to begin their year at 54 pre-military academies around the country.(photo credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)
The Defense Ministry has recorded a 94 percent increase in the participation of teenagers in pre-military preparation programs over the past eight years, it reported Sunday just days before some 3,600 teenagers begin their year at 54 pre-military academies around the country.According to the Defense Ministry’s figures, 47% of youths took part in coed, secular programs.“If, in the past, the world of these programs mainly ‘belonged’ to the religious-Zionist [camp], the figures unveiled today for the first time show that the general and coed academies have become popular among teenagers in recent years,” the ministry said.Due to high demand, two new preparation centers will open this year: in Givat Haviva and Beit Berl College.