American Ex-Pat Jeremy Saltan announces run for Bayit Yehudi Youth Forum chairman
He will face off in a July 28 election in the Bayit Yehudi central committee against fellow party activists Yonatan Dubov and Ya'acov Stern.
By GIL STERN STERN HOFFMANUpdated: JULY 15, 2015 03:44Jeremy Saltan (photo credit: Courtesy)
US-born political activist Jeremy Saltan declared his candidacy for chairman of the Bayit Yehudi’s Youth Forum after submitting the necessary forms at the party’s office in Rosh Ha’ayin.He will face off in a July 28 election in the Bayit Yehudi central committee against fellow party activists Yonatan Dubov of Petah Tikva and Ya’acov Stern, who was an aide in the last Knesset to then-deputy education minister Avraham Wortzman.Saltan on Sunday submitted the signatures of roughly 10 percent of the eligible central committee voters, from the party’s up-to-35 age group. Signatures came from supporters around the country, including in Beit Shemesh, the Binyamin region, Haifa, the Mount Hebron region, Holon, Jerusalem, Ma’aleh Adumim, Mevaseret Zion, Modi’in, Netanya, Or Akiva, Petah Tikva, Ramat Gan, and the Ramat Hanegev and Shafir regions.Chicago-born, Jeremy Saltan is 31 years old. He made aliya in 1995 with his family and lives with his wife and daughter in Mevaseret Zion. He is Bayit Yehudi’s branch director in the city as well as the party’s Anglo Forum chairman.Saltan is Bayit Yehudi’s municipal representative on the Mevaseret Zion City Council’s Security Committee, Advancement of the Status of Women Commit - tee, and Immigration and Absorption Committee. He is also a political analyst for, a Jerusalem-based English broadcast network.His plan to promote the Bayit Yehudi Youth Forum includes creating a Forum of Youth Chairs from all parties, designed to create a frame - work of cooperation and pro - mote consensus with other parties’ youth.“As chairman of the Bayit Yehudi’s youth forum, I will unite the party’s next generation from all sectors of the population while increasing their involvement in day to day party activities,” he said