Shmuli sees how Lauder Employment Center helps academics amid COVID-19
Due to mass closures, suffering industries and government-mandated lockdowns, finding employment is harder than ever, even for young academics and university graduates.
Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services Minister Itzik Shmuli visited the Lauder Employment Center in Beersheba on Tuesday to learn about how it has helped over 1,500 young academics during the coronavirus pandemic.The virus has seen serious unemployment spikes worldwide, and Israel is no exception. Due to mass closures, suffering industries and government-mandated lockdowns, finding employment is harder than ever, even for young academics and university graduates.However, the Lauder Employment Center has worked to help these young academics find employment opportunities even during the ongoing crisis. And these efforts have not been slowed by the lockdown, with the center continuing their assistance via Zoom during the first and second lockdown periods."Especially in these difficult and turbulent times, when our young generation is losing their jobs, the importance of bodies like the Lauder Employment Center, that helps young people find the right jobs and connect them with employers directly and quickly, is amplified," Shmuli said in a statement at the end of his visit."We have quite a bit to learn from the experience and expertise of the Lauder Center, and we will do everything to make this knowledge accessible to all young job seekers in the country and not just to the people of the South."The Lauder Center was developed and supported by the Jewish National Fund, and sees employment opportunities as a crucial part of their plan to bring half a million people to live in the Negev.