Stav Shaffir offers a 12-year green economy program for Israel

Israel Democratic Union party released on Tuesday a program meant to place Israel on the cutting edge of the global effort to save the planet.

Stav Shaffir (photo credit: NIR ARIELI)
Stav Shaffir
(photo credit: NIR ARIELI)
MK Stav Shaffir from the Democratic Union released a detailed 12-year green economy program meant to prevent Israel from succumbing to a worldwide climate crisis.
The plan, released on Tuesday, includes the gradual limitation on the use of privately owned cars in cities and a growing investment in public transportation; shifting the cities’ landscape to high-rise building; investing in and implementing new green-energy-producing technologies and the gradual decrease of meat consumption.
The program is predicted to cost NIS 290 billion over 12 years.
Shaffir wrote about the program on social media, describing it as a “new green contract that will obligate us when we create a government to revolutionize how we treat the environment and humans.”
“Israel should be the Start-Up Nation to lead with the solutions [to save the planet],” she said.

At the time of this report, Shaffir is the only Israeli politician to openly offer a concrete plan to what might be done to fight what many worry might be a massive disaster that will alter every aspect of human life in the upcoming three generations.