Despite the broadcast of the tapes, both Cabel and Yacimovich continued to deny making a deal, as they have for weeks.
By GIL HOFFMANUpdated: MARCH 3, 2017 07:47
Zionist Union MKs Eitan Cabel and Shelly Yacimovich made a deal to support each other to head the Labor Party and the Histadrut labor federation, respectively, tapes of Cabel revealed on Channel 2 and 10 indicated on Thursday.“Shelly is obligated to support me for chairman of the party,” Cabel said in the taped conversation with a former political ally. “This is my opportunity to achieve my dream.”Despite the broadcast of the tapes, both Cabel and Yacimovich continued to deny reaching an agreement, as they have for weeks.The tapes also revealed Cabel, who ran for Histadrut head five years ago, admitting that the campaign was only intended to advance himself politically, saying bluntly: “I don’t care about the Histadrut.”He called Zionist Union and Labor Party chairman Isaac Herzog “a liar and a cheater” and said he has no power in the party.Herzog called the recordings proof of “a corrupt deal that requires its participants to reach personal conclusions” and that caused great damage to the Labor Party.In response to the scandal, Zionist Union MK Omer Bar-Lev announced on Army Radio Friday morning that he intends to run for Labour part leader in a race currently set for July.