A 3,500-year-old relic from a Pharaonic dynasty from was found in northern Israel, Lebanese BDS ban new Batman movie because of Gal Gadot, a 17th century Jewish slum unearthed in Amsterdam and more.
By JPOST.COM STAFFUpdated: APRIL 24, 2016 16:53JPost top 5 logo(photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
1. A relic of a Pharaonic dynasty from some 3,500 years ago was found in northern Israel's Tel Dor, just in time for Passover.Read more: A timely reminder of the Exodus: Ancient Egyptian scarab seal found near Haifa 2. In a letter to the Israel Prison Service, the Palestinian prisoners underscored that Ben-Uliel, who is being held in a section of the prison designated for Jewish criminal detainees, adjacent to their section, makes racists comments against them and writes offending slogans against the Prophet.Read more: Palestinian detainees accuse inmate, Duma murder suspect, of blasphemy against prophet 3. Although the Civil War still had a few more weeks to run, with one of its final battles taking place on April 9 at Appomattox, Virginia, a day before the first Seder, the Jews of Savannah were able to observe the mitzva of eating matza on PassoverRead more: When matza bridged the gap between Jews on opposite sides of the US Civil War 4. The Lebanese BDS movement has demanded that the government ban the screening of the new Hollywood movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, starring the Israeli actress, Gal Gadot, the Lebanese daily newspaper al-Akhbar reported Saturday..Read more: Lebanese BDS calls on government to ban screening Gal Gadot's new movie
5. The discovery of the slum on Valkenburger Street, north of the Portuguese Synagogue in the eastern part of the center of Amsterdam, was made earlier this month by a construction crew digging a foundation for a hotel and housing complex that are planned to be built on what used to be a slum.Read more: 17th century Jewish slum unearthed in Amsterdam