The Lounge: December 3, 2018

The latest social news from Israeli life.

FROM LEFT, Maya Dvash, Maarten Baas and Regin Ganzi (photo credit: RAFI DELUYA)
FROM LEFT, Maya Dvash, Maarten Baas and Regin Ganzi
(photo credit: RAFI DELUYA)
Or (Light) to Families
1,700 guests participated in an annual gala event at the Tel Aviv Opera House titled ‘With Light and with a Salute,’ held by Or (Light) to Families, which helps bereaved families cope with their loss. Or Families director Irit Oren-Gunders welcomed guests, who were shown a moving video clip and then enjoyed a show performed by bereaved parents. Next, 56 bereaved sisters and brothers received academic grants in a ceremony presided over by Education Minister Naftali Bennett. Guests were welcomed by Aaron Frenkel, president of the association; Moshe Edri, chair of the Friends of the association, and his wife Pnina; and Oren-Gunders. Attending the event were Izzy Sheratzky, Miriam and Elyakim Rubinstein, and Uzi Dayan.
Human evolution
The Dan David Center for Human Evolution and Biohistory Research at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History was inaugurated this week. The center, established as a beacon of scientific discoveries , is a joint venture between the museum and Tel Aviv University’s medical school. It received an allocation of NIS 25 million and is spread out over 1,200 square meters. Attending the event were: Gabriela David, Dan’s widow, and Ariel, his son; Prof. Joseph Klepter, president of Tel Aviv University; Gad Frank, University director; Yaron Oz, rector of the University; university vice presidents; Prof. Israel Hershkovitz, director of the Center; Prof. Tamar Dayan; chair of the Steinhardt Museum of Nature; Alon Sapan, director-general of the Museum, and philanthropists Silvan and Margaret Adams.
Hide & Seek
An exhibition called ‘Hide & Seek’ recently opened at the Design Museum Holon. The exhibition is dedicated to the renowned Dutch designer Maarten Baas, who was present at the opening event. Attending were Holon Mayor Moti Sasson; Moshe Peterburg, chairman of the museum’s Board of Directors; Regin Ganzi, chairwoman, Friends of the museum; and the museum’s Chief Curator Maya Dvash.
Tshuva scholarship
Last week, Netanya Academic College, which is headed by President Prof. Yaakov Hart, held its annual Tshuva Scholarship Ceremony, in memory of the college’s founder, Prof. Zvi Arad, and the late film entrepreneur and filmmaker Leon Edry. This year, Tshuva awarded scholarships to some 300 students, who are studying a variety of subjects at the college. Avi Edry, Leon’s son, spoke during the evening about the courageous friendship between his father had with Yitzhak Tshuva, and told the audience about the moral teachings he learned from his father.

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Einav Center
A fundraising event was held this past Friday at the Einav Center in Tel Aviv, which locates talented young artists, who come from boarding schools, hostels, and schools in underprivileged neighborhoods.
The center trains them during high school, their IDF service, and even into college. The event was attended by the creators and stars of Eretz Nehederet alongside Neta Barzilai, who performed with the center graduates. Attending were: Keshet owners Drorit Wertheim and Gal Naor; Keshet’s CEO, Avi Nir; board members: Yoav Nachshon, Lilach Sigan, Tali Vernia and Tali Goren, the director of the association Merav Damri, and esteemed director Tali Shemesh.
Translated by Hannah Hochner.