WATCH: Storks land in Israel to enjoy the natural wealth of Hula lake

The first arrival of storks in Israel was captured on film at Lake Hula.

Storks landing in Israel / Inbar Shlumit Robin
Forty storks arrived in Israel and briefly rested in the Hula artificial lake to eat and gather strength before the next leg of their journey to Europe. This is the first flock of storks to arrive in Israel this winter.
The Hula artificial lake is visited by more than half a billion birds during the migrating season and was selected by BBC Wildlife as one of the ten most important nature observation points on earth in 2009.
The stork is often mentioned in the Bible, in which it is admired for its wing-span and feats of flight. The prophet Jeremiah himself admired storks, when he noticed that "...the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons."