What's in a Sara Netanyahu macaron?

Bakery pokes Purim fun at the prime minister's wife - with a cookie.

French Macarons
There are two things on the mind of most Israelis this week: the upcoming Purim holiday and the investigations of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
One enterprising baker and pastry chef in Mevaseret Zion has combined the two in a truly unique creation: the Sara Netanyahu macaron.
David Laor, owner of an eponymous kosher bakery in Mevaseret, recently unveiled a whole line of "costumed" French macrons for Purim. Among them is the Sara Netanyahu - filled with champagne ganache and decorated with glittery silver pearls.
Among the charges leveled at Netanyahu are that he and his family accepted lavish gifts of champagne, cigars and jewelry in exchange for favors.
For more classic cookie lovers there's a macchiato flavor and a birthday cake variety. There's also a "post-army trip" macarons which includes pineapple, coconut and rum; a Star Wars macaron which includes earl grey ganache with a sparkly gold coating; and a range of other fun and silly flavors.
Laor told The Jerusalem Post he's only received positive feedback so far on this year's slate of Purim macarons - a tradition he's kept up for five years.
"Until now people are laughing and interested," he said, "there hasn't yet been anyone angry or offended."
Laor said last year the Purim macrons included a "Donald Trump" variety, which was maple pecan and covered in gold.
"We're a classic French bakery and Purim gives us the chance once a year to go wild and shake things up."