Defense minister discusses regional and bilateral issues with American counterpart in Washington.
By ELIE LESHEMehud barak 224.88(photo credit: AP [file])
Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday met with his American counterpart, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in Washington.
The Defense Ministry announced that the two discussed a series of issues, including the Iranian nuclear issue, the situation in Gaza, as well as Syria and Hizbullah, including the violations of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.
The two also discussed several bilateral issues concerning the two countries' defense establishments.
"Iran's plans put the entire region and the entire world at risk," Barak told Gates, according to a statement released by the Defense Ministry. "We insist that [the international community] step up the economic and financial sanctions on Iran."
However, Barak emphasized, "We must continue to stick with a policy that does not take any of the options off the table."