Hebrew University marks 6th anniversary of terrorist attack

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem marked the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the university on Thursday with a memorial ceremony at the scene of the attack on the university's Mount Scopus campus. Nine students and university staff members were killed in the attack: Benjamin Blutstein, Marla Bennett, Revital Barashi, David Gritz, David Diego Ladowski, Janis Ruth Coulter, Dina Carter, Levina Shapira and Daphna Spruch. Close to a hundred were wounded. Hebrew University President Prof. Menachem Magidor noted that the attack was all the more shocking because it specifically targeted the university. "Those who know the details of the event know that the murderers dedicated a great deal of effort to carry out the attack here," he said. "We lost Levina's smile, Daphna's wisdom, Revital's pleasantness, David, Marla and Benny's search for their roots, David Diego's commitment to serve his country and society, and Janis and Dina's devotion to the people of Israel."