MDA helps man to deliver baby son in car over the cellphone

A man helped his 28-year-old wife deliver their third child in the back of their car, parked at a bus stop Wednesday in the Lower Galilee on the way to Poriya Medical Center in Tiberias. The couple had previously been sent home by hospital doctors who said her contractions were not "the real thing." When they got stronger, the couple, who live in a settlement in the area, got into the car. When the contractions became very frequent, the husband called Magen David Adom's Yarden station and asked what to do. Galia Wolf, who was on duty, calmed them and told the husband to park their car at a bus station, where the ambulance team could find them. The baby should be placed in a clean towel or shirt on his mother's stomach without the husband cutting the umbilical cord, Wolf said. Everything went like clockwork, and the MDA medics had only to cut the cord and take them to Poriya. The husband said he would have named the baby Galia if it had been a girl, but it was a boy. Wolf said she had previously directed a husband over the phone how to deliver his baby, but that "being of assistance in bringing a baby to the world is always moving."