PESSAH AT THE TOWER OF DAVID MUSEUM: Experience the days of the second temple through stories of pilgrims, a special edition of the Daily Newspaper and continuous tours of the permanent exhibition. Activities for all the family include theatrical storytelling of adventures of pilgrims and a fact-finding mission throughout the citadel. Children make their own souvenirs. Activities: Sun. and Mon., 11 a.m.-7. General opening hours: today and Tues., 10 a.m.-2; Sun. and Mon., 10 a.m.-7; Sat., Wed. and Thurs., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. & 6265333/
PESSAH ADVENTURES: Creative workshops in the Museum tent. Adventure in the galleries, age 9+. Bible Lands Museum, Sun. and Mon., 10:30 a.m.-2:30 & 561-1066
PESSAH ACTIVITIES Spring workshops for children, arts and crafts fair, guided tours. The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens, Givat Ram, Sun. and Mon., 10 a.m.-3 & 679-4012
JERUSALEM'S PAST - From Egypt to Jerusalem: Multimedia archeological exhibition covering 2,000 years of discoveries. Virtual reality reconstruction of the Herodian Temple Mount, films, walking tours along the walls. The Davidson Center, Jerusalem Archeological Park, Between Western Wall and Dung Gate & 627-7550
KOSHER FOR PESSAH ITALIAN PIZZA: Guided tours of exhibits and making Pessah pizza. Museum of Italian Jewish Art, Hillel 27, Sun. and Mon., 11 a.m. & 624-1610
AACI ENGLISH-SPEAKING WALKING TOURS IN JERUSALEM:Friday: The Secrets of David's City, 10 a.m. Rediscovering Rehavia, 2. "Out of the Walls" - Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Yemin Moshe, Machane Yisrael, and Nahalat Shiva, 2.
Sunday: A Jewish Perspective: Christian Jerusalem through Jewish Eyes, 10 a.m. The Russian Compound including the Museum of the Underground Prisoners and Safra Square, 10 a.m. Jewels of the Jewish Quarter, 2.
Monday: Highlights of the Four Quarters of Jerusalem's Old City, 10 a.m. Kibbutz Ramat Rachel and Old Talpiot, 10 a.m. The Story of Israel from a Different Point of View (Mt. Herzl and the Military Cemetery including the NEW Herzl Museum), 2. The Bucharian Quarter and Meah She'arim, 2.
Tuesday: The Splendor and Sadness of Second Temple Period Jerusalem, 10 a.m. The Jerusalem Forest (from Yad Sarah to Har Nof), 10 a.m. New Scenic Promenades, Old Borders - A Walk Along the Pre-1967 Jerusalem Boundary Line, 2. Rechov HaNevi'im and Environs, 2.
Thursday: The Splendor and Sadness of Second Temple Period Jerusalem, 10 a.m. The Jerusalem Forest (circular route), 10 a.m. "Out of the Walls" - Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Yemin Moshe, Machane Yisrael, and Nahalat Shiva, 2. Ein Kerem, 2.
Friday, April 21: Highlights of the Four Quarters of Jerusalem's Old City, 10 a.m. Secrets of Lev Ha'ir Unfolded - A Stroll through Nahla'ot, 10 a.m. The Secrets of Mount Zion, 2. Tours between 2-1/2 and 3-1/2 hours.
General info. & 566-1181, 050-2166775/
Tel Aviv area
AUTOMOTOR 2006 - International motor show: Exhibition Grounds, Friday, 10 a.m.-7 [VIP from 2-7]; Sat.-Mon., 11 a.m.-10; Tues., 10 a.m.-7 & 524-7373
SPRING FESTIVAL: The Florentine Circus with acrobats from Russia, "flying" acts, trapeze artists, clowns, circus skills workshop. Ra'anana, Park, today and Tues., 11 a.m. and 1; Sat.-Mon. and Wed., 11 a.m., 1 and 4 & (03) 518-6169
CIRCUS, MUSIC AND DANCE: Colorful celebration at the Tel Aviv Port. Music with the Habama Orchestra, dance by Vertigo, and entertainment for the whole family.
Performances daily at 4 and 6. Today-Tues., 11 a.m.-8,
YALDUTI: - Peter and the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals with the Contemporary Kibbutz Dance Company, Sun., 10 a.m. and 12. Zlil Meshutaf, Sun., 10 a.m. and 12. Thumbelina and Anton, Sun., 4:30 and 6:30. Court Jesters, Sun., 4:30 and 6:30. Hatz Hatz Hatzaga, Sun. and Mon., 4:30 and 6:30. Street Performances, Sun. and Mon., 10 a.m.-8. Ma'ale Karahot, Mon., 10 a.m., 12, 4, 6. This Song is Mine Too, Mon., 10 a.m. and 12. Elephants Don't Dance Ballet, Mon., 4:30 and 6:30. Suzanne Dellal Center, Sun. and Mon. & 510-5656
OUR FESTIVAL: Theater and special events, street theater, musical performances. Shows include The Emperor's New Clothes, Bentzi, An Apartment to Rent. New to the stage: Miriam Yellin Stekelis' How Songs Get Into Our Heart, and Open the Gate. Tel Aviv Museum, Sun.-Tues., 9 a.m.-7/ & (03) 607-7020
ANNUAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAIR: Weizmann Institute, Sun. and Mon., 10:30 a.m.-6 & (08) 934-4401
HAGIGA SHEL AGADA: Activities inspired by stories. From Pharoah's palace to the exodus from Egypt. Holon, Children's Museum, Sun., Mon. and Thurs., 10 a.m.-5; Tues., 10 a.m.-2 & 585-5858
SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY - Olamot Conference. Films, performances, special events, guests from Babylon 5 and The X files. Holon, Mediatheque, Sun.-Tues. & (03) 502-1555
THE 16TH HAIFA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF CHILDREN'S THEATER: Competing shows, street performances and Israeli and guest performances from France, Argentina, Spain, arts and crafts fair, Hop TV workshops, Logi, toys. Haifa Theater, today-Mon. & (04) 8600500/
Beersheba and south
JUBU FESTIVAL: First-ever festival exploring in depth Judaism, the Kabbala and Buddhism. Dead Sea, Metzokei Dragot, Sun.-Tues. & 052-4684434/
JEWISH ROCK AND SOUL MUSIC FESTIVAL: Aharit Hayamim, Adi Ran, Hamakor, Para Aduma, Remedy, Reva Lesheva, Shlomo Katz, Simply Tsfat, Moshav Band, Udi Davidi. Dead Sea, Ein Bokek, Sun. and Mon., 6 p.m.-midnight & (03) 532-5272
Other Locales
ART IN NATURE: Twenty artist participants, wide variety of artistic works. Kibbutz Na'an, today-Tues., 10 a.m.-6 & 052-8341852
SECOND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL: Focus on romance genre. Screening of over 50 films from 20 different countries. Ashdod, today-Mon.
15TH SCULPTURE SYMPOSIUM: "Even Bagalil." Ma'alot, Montfort, today-Mon.
MUSIC AND NATURE: Choir, Mon., 5. Spanish and Latin music, Wed., 5:30. Beit Guvrin Caves & *3639
ADAMA FESTIVAL: Festival of spiritual love. Kinneret, Sironit Holiday Village, Mon.-Wed./
SOOSYADA 2006: An equestrian celebration. Horse races, show jumping, playgrounds, food. Kibbutz Orim, Mon./www.soosyada.
BOOMBAMELA FESTIVAL: Major Israeli new age festival. Music, special performances, children's entertainment, yoga, hip hop, DJ JuVi, cabaret, jam sessions. Nitzanim Beach, today and Sat./
PESSAH EVENTS AT THE ISRAEL NATIONAL PARKS AND NATURE RESERVES: Many special activities including nostalgia games, adventure tours and activities, Irish music, classical music, fairytale forest, sculpture, turtles, guided tours. Parks include Afek, Apollonia, Beit Guvrin, Ein Hemed, Nahal Alexander, Ashkelon, Sea Turtles' Center and others. Parks open from 8 a.m.-4 or 5. General information & *3639, 057-7303050
AWAKENING FESTIVAL: Art and workshops for the whole family. Thai Chi, Chi Kong, shiatsu, meditation and guided imagery, meditative walking, health food stalls, lectures, mandela, discussions in the gallery. Wilfrid Israel Museum of Oriental Art and Studies, Kibbutz Hazorea, Tues. and Wed., 11 a.m.-4 & 0523-990566/