Peretz: I made no agreement with Ayalon

Defense minister says he and Labor frontrunner have "understanding."

ayalon MI 298 88 (photo credit: AP)
ayalon MI 298 88
(photo credit: AP)
Defense Minister Amir Peretz said on Monday morning that "there is no agreement" between himself and Labor frontrunner Ami Ayalon for the second round of party leadership primaries - only an "understanding." In an interview with Army Radio, Peretz declared, "I don't need agreements. I don't believe in political agreements. These are understandings." Peretz added that "within parties, matters must be based on trust and mutual appreciation."
  • Peretz formally endorses Ayalon On Sunday evening, the defense minister officially endorsed Ayalon over former prime minister Ehud Barak for the Labor leadership, following which Barak accused the two of forming an "unholy alliance." In the Monday interview, Peretz called Barak's statements "characteristic arrogance," and added that "I think it would be better for him and his associates to behave modestly." Regarding a possible rift in the Labor Party, Peretz said that "there is no split, and there won't be a split. I will fight against a split, whatever the consequences. I know very well how it is to be a chairman under attack from all sides. I don't intend to do to the [next] chairman what they did to me. I will support the elected chairman, whoever that may be."