Police: 72 year-old man committed suicide

Elderly man found stabbed in Bat Yam apartment; wife released after cause of death determined.

murder crime scene 248.88 (photo credit: Channel 2 (file))
murder crime scene 248.88
(photo credit: Channel 2 (file))
Police announced Saturday evening that the cause of a 72-year-old man's death was suicide, after his 70-year-old wife was detained on suspicion of murder earlier in the day. Ayalon district police arrived at the couple's house on Balfour Street after the woman reported finding the man's body. Magen David Adom medics found a knife still in the elderly man's chest. The woman denied killing her 72-year-old husband, claiming that she found him after the incident in their bedroom. She insisted that he had committed suicide. Police officials told the media that the family was not recognized by the authorities. Neighbors told police that the couple, who had lived in the building for a long period of time, had never caused disturbances.