Report: Schalit gets glasses sent by dad

Spectacles supposedly transferred to soldier via Egyptian security delegation.

shalit, gilad, 298 ap (photo credit: AP)
shalit, gilad, 298 ap
(photo credit: AP)
Captured IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalit received his glasses sent to him from Israel two weeks ago, the Nazareth-based A-Sinara newspaper reported on Friday morning. Reportedly, progress in negotiations with Egyptian mediation brought about the transfer of the spectacles, which were sent by Gilad's father. A-Sinara claimed that the glasses were given to Egypt two months ago and made their way to Schalit via an Egyptian security delegation conducting negotiations to secure the soldier's release. Abu Mujahid, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees - one of the groups claiming to hold Schalit - refused to confirm the report. On March 18, Channel 2 reported that Hamas had refused to take the glasses after Schalit's family had proposed transferring them to the movement via the Red Cross.