Charged with incitement to violence, racism, insulting public official.
The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office has filed an indictment on Sunday against right-wing extremist Noam Federman, the State said.
The alleged crimes have to do with statements Federman made on 25 separate occasions, beginning in December 8, 2004, several months after the cabinet approved the disengagement plan.
The charges against Federman include incitement to violence and terrorism, insulting a public official, prohibition against publishing incitement to racism, and making seditious publications.
The illegal statements were allegedly made on an internet site and a weekly program called "Federman Uncensored."
For example, on his weekly radio program, Federman called for using violence against Jews just as Matityahu the Priest had killed a Jew who had assimilated among the Greeks. "With all due respect and all the will not to cause disunity among the people, sometimes there is no choice…Sometimes we can't take shortcuts, we can't hide behind the nice slogan, 'there won't be civil war.' Sometimes one has to make civil war despite the pain involved."
A few weeks later, Federman described Yonatan Bassi, the head of Sela (the disengagement authority), as a Judenrat (head of the Jewish council in the ghettoes created by the Nazis) and Kapo (the Jewish policemen in the ghettoes.) In the same broadcast, he called for the expulsion of the Israeli Arab population.