Schalit march reaches Tel Aviv

Soldier's parents meet Nili Priel; rally planned for Rabin Square.

Schalit march 311 AP (photo credit: Associated Press)
Schalit march 311 AP
(photo credit: Associated Press)
The family of captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, along with thousands of supporters, set out on their way to Tel Aviv Monday morning, intending to reach the center of the city as the "freedom march" continued.
The participants, led by Aviva and Noam Schalit, reached the private home of Defense Minister Ehud Barak at the Akirov Towers shortly after setting out from the Glilot area. The captured soldier's parents met with the minister's wife, Nili Priel, who later walked beside them for one section of the march.
A short rally was expected to take place later in the day at Rabin Square, following which the Schalits and were set to travel south towards the Gaza border. They were expected to visit the location near Kerem Shalom where their son was kidnapped four years earlier.
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After the visit to the border, a special concert by Israeli singer Shlomo Arzti was scheduled to take place at Eshkol Park in the Negev. The concert was organized by activists for Gilad's release and was billed as "A Cry Out to the World."
Heavy traffic disruptions were expected in the Tel Aviv area, with many major roads being closed to make way for the high number of expected participants.
Major thoroughfares in Tel Aviv that will be closed include Einstein, Haim Levanon, Rokah, Yehuda Maccabi, Pinkas, Jabotinsky, Arlozorov, Shaul Hamelech and Kaplan.
In the afternoon, police will also close roads heading south because of the planned concert in Park Eshkol. Private vehicles will not be allowed in the area around the park.
Over 10,000 supporters joined the Schalit family towards the end of their march from Kibbutz Shefayim to Tel Aviv Sunday.
Several lanes on Ayalon South were closed to traffic to allow the marchers to cross safely as they reached the Galilot interchange.

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Yoel Schalit, brother of kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit, spoke to a crowd of people participating in the day's Freedom March at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya on Sunday.