Sharon vows to aid struggle against violence

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to aid the struggle against violence while attending a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on the Prevention of Vio

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to aid the struggle against violence while attending a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on the Prevention of Violence on Monday. “This violence is a kind of terrorism; we must deal with it like we deal with terrorism. This phenomenon cannot be countenanced and we will put a stop to it.” Sharon promised to give the police and judiciary systems better tools to fight all aspects of violence, including personal security and youth brutality, as well as violence on the roads. The prime minister pledged to give the struggle against violence a prominent place on the national agenda in the coming year, and in the next government. “As in the war on terrorism, results will not come in a day. But just as we have proven that we know how to fight terrorism, I promise you that we will deal with violence.”