Students to march into J'lem, to PM's residence

The student union announced that they are to march from the entrance to Jerusalem up to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's residence on Thursday morning in a move which will mark the 27th day of the nationwide student strike, Israel Radio reported Wednesday night. The union has also organised a convoy of cars and busses which will depart from different univerisities to the capital in the morning. The statement released by the student union on Wednesday said that the prime minister "[has] to intervene quickly and find an immediate solution to the serious crisis that has developed in the education and higher education systems." On Wednesday, a group of 40 students at Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba set up a tent outside the city's government compound and pledged to begin a hunger strike Thursday to bring more pressure on the government. The strike, which has affected some 250,000 students in all the universities and most of the country's colleges, continues after a breakdown earlier in the week of compromise discussions between the national student unions and the Prime Minister's Office.