'Udi, Eldad and Gilad are not free men'

Noam Schalit says Pessah, holiday of freedom, spoiled when soldiers captive.

noam shalit 298.88 ch 10 (photo credit: Channel 10)
noam shalit 298.88 ch 10
(photo credit: Channel 10)
"This Pessah, Udi, Eldad and Gilad are not free men, because of a system that failed to internalize lessons of the past," said Noam Schalit, father of kidnapped IDF Cpl. Gilad Schalit on Friday. Schalit was speaking in a rally held to show empathy for kidnapped IDF soldiers held by Hamas and Hizbullah.
  • Special Seder prayer for kidnapped soldiers prepared He said this year the family would not celebrate Pessah, when their son is held hostage. He added that the family was aware of the efforts to release their son, but said they were waiting to see real results. 1,500 people attended the rally and called on the government to increase efforts to return the captive soldiers home. Earlier Friday morning, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. -Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi visited the Schalit family at their home and wished that Gilad would return home quickly. "He came to meet us and get to know us. There was nothing special he wanted to say to us. The chief of staff talked about some of his estimates about Gilad, and wished the matter would conclude quickly," Schalit said.