Woman tricks rapist into identifying himself

An 18-year-old was arrested on Sunday after he allegedly raped a 50-year-old woman in her home near Afula - and then stayed around for a cup of coffee and identified himself at the woman's behest. According to the allegations, the youth broke into the woman's house early Sunday morning, entered her bedroom and raped her. He also stole several hundred shekels from the woman's wallet, and prepared to run off. However, the woman began to talk to him, saying she wanted to get to know him better, asking him who he was and assuring him she had no plans to go to the police. After talking for several minutes, the youth revealed his identity, and the two sat down and had coffee together. The woman even gave him the keys to her car and told him to use it to get away. Shortly afterwards, the woman called the local security chief and told him what had happened. The two contacted police, and the suspect was caught soon after. He was brought later for a remand extension.