“Isaac,” a 5.5 foot robot will light a 22-foot-high “Mama Menorah” in San Francisco's Union Square on Tuesday.
By SAM SOKOLHasidic robot 370(photo credit: Courtesy Chabad)
“Robots were created to assist in doing good deeds in this world,” Rabbi Yosef Langer, the director of the Chabad of San Francisco believes.The Rabbi, who works in Jewish outreach in one of the major tech capitals of the United States, told Chabad.org that he will be using “Isaac,” a 5.5 foot robot to light a 22-foot-high “Mama Menorah” in the city’s Union Square on Tuesday."As the English chemist and novelist C.P. Snow observed, new ideas often emerge from the clash of cultures. Menorahs represent the past, and robots represent the future. Rabbi Langer and I have a hunch that a ritual that brings them together will generate some interesting new sparks,” UC-Berkeley professor Ken Goldberg told the hasidic website.