Young Jewish, Muslim and Christian professionals discussed projects and cooperation between faith-based organizations.
Two days of intensive lectures and discussions, held by some 60 young professionals adhering to the three monotheistic religions, wrapped up Wednesday evening in Seville, Spain.The conference, which took place at the Pabellón Hassan II, was aimed at developing best practices in the intricate field of inter-religious dialogue. It was organized by the Fundación Tres Culturas del Meditarraneo (Three Cultures Foundation of the Meditarranean) and partner organizations including the World Jewish Diplomatic Corps, an affiliate of the World Jewish Congress.Jews, Christians and Muslims ages 26 to 40, representing organizations or communities primarily from Europe and Israel, discussed concrete projects and forms of cooperation between faith-based organizations. A few such ideas will be approved for implementation.The participants discussed the functions, rights and responsibilities of religious bodies in a society where religion is often perceived as an embodiment of fundamentalism. The conference also served as a means of improving and developing frameworks for monitoring and preventing anti- Semitism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, including prejudices against Israel.“This has been a move to create a European network that will collaborate based on a shared vision, not just a declarative event,” Peleg Reshef, director of the World Jewish Diplomatic Corps, said on Wednesday. “The participants are young people connected to organizations and communities, who understand the great problem the European ignorance [of minority] religions poses, and are determined to act for the benefit of all citizens.”