The Simon Wiesenthal Center on Thursday called on the UN Human Rights Council to investigate the negligence and complicity of Lebanon in the commission of war crimes against Israel by deliberately failing to stop the transfer of Katyusha rockets to Hizbullah and in failing to alert the Security Council about the amassing of such weapons - a direct violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1559.
"There never would have been a war in Lebanon had Beirut done its due diligence under Resolution 1559," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Wiesenthal Center. "Therefore, Lebanon is guilty of complicity with Hizbullah in the commission of war crimes against the people of Israel because of its failure to disarm Hizbullah or to even alert the UN of such violations.
"It is hypocritical that the only country the UN Human Rights Council investigates is the State of Israel, and it is also tragic that so many innocent people in Lebanon had to lose their lives because of the unwillingness and negligence of the Lebanese government to stand up to Hizbullah. The time has come for the UN to turn its spotlight on Lebanon."