Why don’t we succeed and why aren’t we motivated?

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Why aren’t people as successful in life as they want to be? If we ask people, their answer is usually: "We’re just don’t feel like we can do it." Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto explained in his lecture that when a person decides to do something - he should do it immediately, and not wait even 5 seconds. That way, he will have the motivation to succeed.

Rabbi Pinto explained: "When they ask a person, 'Why don't you work?', he replies: 'I don’t feel like working.' When they ask him: 'Why don't you start a business?', he replies: 'I don’t feel like starting a business.' When they ask him: 'Why don't you get married?', he replies: 'I don’t feel like getting married.' Where does motivation come from? Motivation is a matter of drive, desire and ambition. How does a person lose it? Because he goes out of his comfort zone."

Watch Rabbi Pinto’s full talk:

Shuva Israel

"The moment you step out of your comfort zone - the mind blocks and stops you, and does not let you do what you want. No matter how much you are waiting for motivation, for an impulse or for some sign or something to push you - it will not come. Why? Because your mind is building walls around you to prevent you from getting out,” Rabbi Pinto added.

"You have to know a great fundamental," said Rabbi Pinto. "As soon as a person has a thought to do something good - it’s like a siren, it’s as if the head is sounding a siren that something is going to happen within 5 seconds. It’s like the person's body sending out adrenalin to his whole body that puts it in a state of shock, and pushes him to do it. So if you think of doing something good - do it immediately and don't wait. If you wait - you might fail to do the good deed because your mind will 'veto' it to prevent you from doing it."

Rabbi Pinto concluded, "The Gemara says about Rabbi Yonatan ben Uziel that every bird that flew over his head would be scorched. What does that mean? Any time a thought came into his head, he would not wait 5 seconds ‒ when the whole body goes into defense mode and the mind warns and stops the body ‒ but he would immediately get up and do it." 

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel