Local authorities urged to save water before elections
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel has written to local authorities around the country urging them to save water before municipal elections.
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) has written to local authorities around the country urging them to save water and not to plant lawns and trees as they usually do before municipal elections, reports www.local.co.il. In a letter headed "Saving Water During an Election Period," the organization said it was well known that local authorities tended to embark on planting sprees before municipal elections, and with elections due to be held this November, SPNI was asking local authorities to keep Israel's water crisis in mind and refrain from taking actions that would waste water.
"Based on past experience, we have learned that in any period before elections mayors and local authorities increase their activities in connection with new plantings of trees, lawns and green areas with the intention of improving the appearance of the city and showing residents what the mayor has done for the environment. These activities naturally require large quantities of water," the letter said. It urged local authorities to show "leadership and responsibility and to reconsider every activity that might cause an unnecessary waste of precious water," and concluded that the organization would support mayors who took a stand to save water.