1. The photo of the year: In a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu points, Sellem captures an unfortunate shadow over the chancellor’s lip, setting off an international media sensation.2. A soldier stands guard on a house in Hebron on June 18, during Operation Brother’s Keeper. Sellem says, ‘It was a dry day for photographers. We waited for more than six hours to try and get some photos of soldiers looking for the three boys...This is one of my shots from that precious time we had. The soldier was on the roof and the Palestinian girl was playing one floor below.’ 3. ‘During the blizzard in Jerusalem, I was stuck at the David Citadel Hotel waiting for US Secretary of State John Kerry to arrive in Israel, when I looked out the window and saw this woman swimming,’ says Sellem. ‘I don’t usually have a nice photo of Jerusalem in the snow but now I have a very special one.’ 4. An IDF soldier, wounded in Operation Protective Edge, plays the piano at Beersheba’s Soroka University Medical Center while his mother sits near him, on July 21. ‘This was the only photo I took during the war that showed any hope,’ says Sellem. 5. A woman surveys the damage done by a rocket on her home in Ashdod on July 14. ‘The woman in the photo looks like she is in jail behind her window,’ says Sellem. ‘During the operation, it seemed like all the citizens of the south were being held prisoner.’ 6. A man prays during Hoshana Raba as Palestinian women walk past. ‘As usual, I always go to the Western Wall on Hoshana Raba...Around 7:30 am I heard a ‘boom’ at the Dome of the Rock, so I decided to run to Lions Gate and on my way I saw this moment. I just got down on my knees and took the photo.’7. The synchronicity of the priestly blessing is momentarily broken by the appearance of a young boy, praying at the Western Wall, in September 2013.8. ‘This shot I took leaving the Western Wall after waiting for the Rolling Stones to arrive, on June 3. I saw the solder from afar and I had a short time-frame to capture the shot. I thought it a very symbolic photo.’ 9. Israelis who lost family members in terror attacks break down during a protest against the release of prisoners outside Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem, on December 28.