■ What’s the most difficult professional moment you’ve faced so far? In 2008 I had to dissolve a firm, and the partnership. This was the most difficult moment in my career, a lesson for life that in the long run brought me to where I am today. A professional level of which I am very proud.■ How do you celebrate your achievements? With a good conversation with the people that I am close to – family and friends. I also love sharing my success with my employees and my partners.
■ If you were prime minister, what’s the first thing you would do? I would change the perception about how this country should be managed. I would manage Israel as a business unit. I would make sure that I am surrounded with the most professional people in all different positions and would never choose employees according to their political preference.■ Which Israeli should have a movie made about him/her? I have great respect for Galia Maor, the president and chief executive officer of Bank Leumi Israel. She has shown true leadership and top professionalism over the years.■ What would you change about Israelis if you could?I believe Israelis have many great qualities such as ambition and quick thinking, but I feel that some Israelis lack restraint and tact.
■ iPad, BlackBerry or pen and paper? BlackBerry.■ If you had to write an advertisement to entice tourists to come to Israel, what would it say? Israel is the only place on earth where you can cross the country in six hours.In that time you can be exposed to the desert, snowy mountains, trendy cities like Tel Aviv and historical places like Jerusalem.
■ What is the most serious problem facing the country?The political system.■ How can it be solved?By changing the political system to a presidential electoral system similar to the US.■ In 20 years, the country will be:Israel stands in an intersection these days. In the conflict aspect, Israel must achieve an agreement with its Arab neighbors. From an economic aspect, Israel should find a way to lower the percentage of unemployed and create more jobs.Israel should take a more active role and strive to be a more dominant player in the world economy.