Letters 379610

JPost readers comment on previous issues of the 'Magazine.'

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Loyal ambassadors
Sir, – As a teacher in the international masters of public health program at the Hebrew University’s Hadassah Medical School, I was present when Dr.
Yehuda Neumark spoke movingly at the graduation ceremony (“Out in Mongolia,” The Human Spirit, October 17).
I fully concur with Barbara Sofer’s remarks about the graduates, that “they remain loyal informal ambassadors for Israel.” Many come with little or no knowledge of our country, and while they’re here, they have very positive experiences, professionally and personally, and see the real Israel.
Most leave with a love for the program, the country and its people – often encouraging their countrymen to apply to come.
Similar foreign-student programs at the Rehovot campus generate more “loyal ambassadors.” Long may these programs continue!
Symbol for all time
Sir, – “Israel’s modern foremothers” (Cover, October 10) was a great tribute to the three extraordinary women whose sons were murdered by the Arab terrorists just prior to Operation Protective Edge.

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These women are not only heroic but have served to inspire the people of Israel to become united, as no others have done, in their feelings and emotions.
Even for the cynical world that exists outside Israel, these women, by their courage, their way of reaching across the loneliness of each individual, their ability to indicate what the Land of Israel and Judaism mean to them, have truly become, as the article says, “the foremothers of Israel.”
I plead with those behind the Israel Prize to designate a special prize for these women, who will be a symbol for all time as to what makes the Jewish people in their land so remarkable.
Words are not enough to express admiration for their ability to overcome space and time, to reach out to so many people in such a unique way.
Israel is really a land that defies normalcy. It is touched by God. These women have not only brought this message to the people of Israel, they have instilled hope for a better world.
Women’s lament
Sir, – The article “The woman’s place in the synagogue” (Culture, October 10) was interesting, even though the women’s sections in synagogues are generally uncomfortable.
I haven’t made as thorough a study as Barry Davis did, but I have found that quite a number of synagogues in Israel were built according to plans produced by female architects. I tend to believe that they might have been young, as getting to the women’s balcony in Hadera’s Great Synagogue entails walking up the equivalent of three flights of stairs, something that has put off many women from attending services there.
The woman architect who planned the Shalom Israel synagogue in Hadera has probably never climbed the steps to the women’s section, where the stairs and risers are out of proportion – besides which, any seats beyond the first two rows are entirely out of the picture.
Can this be one of the reasons that men, during their early morning blessings, thank God that He didn’t make them a woman?