Starcatcher: Astrology for the week of August 20, 2010
Who should look for a new job, and is this a good week to start a new relationship?
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEastrology(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Take your time. Don’t say yes if you mean no. And, finally, read the fine print before signing anything.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIRGO---EARTHAUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22Even though you think you have all the facts, there are still a few little matters that need to be clarified before you can forge ahead. In the meantime ask as many questions as possible. You will be amazed at the answers you receive. This is not the time for making a serious decision concerning a long-term friendship. Wait a few weeks and see if you still feel the same way. HINT: Money and financial matters are taking up more and more of your time.LIBRA---AIRSEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23You have a lot of energy this week and are ready to roll up your sleeves, and get started. Make certain you have all the facts you need. This is a perfect time for listening and paying close attention rather than sharing your thoughts. Not everyone who smiles is your friend and you will have to choose carefully the people you bring into your inner sanctum. HINT: You have so much on your mind but don’t let past insecurities hold you back.SCORPIO---WATEROCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21Mix-ups and delays are expected this week so double check your agenda and wherever necessary send an e-mail or text a message to make sure everything is ready and the times and places are locked in. The next few weeks are a good time for stepping back and contemplating your future. You know what you want but still have a few missing pieces of the puzzle. HINT: The time has come to tell someone close to you just how special they are. SAGITTARIUS---FIRENOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER Where this week may not be the best for action, it is, however, a perfect time for stepping back and taking some time off to think and plan. Pressures at work are not new, but lately you have had the feeling that you are the one doing the lion’s share of the work while someone else is taking all the credit. Don’t worry, in the weeks to come the truth will be revealed. HINT: Some of your plans will be placed on hold while you sit waiting for another fire sign to catch up.
CAPRICORN---EARTHDECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19New people, new places, new work will help put a smile back into your heart. This year you will have more free time to enjoy the little things. Take it easy and don’t rush into anything. For the next few weeks you can get further ahead by taking baby steps. Plans to travel may have to be put on hold as you don’t have the time or money right now to make the trip you dream of. HINT: Time spent reminiscing with an older member of your family will be great for you both. AQUARIUS---AIRJANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18Things are not progressing as quickly as you had hoped, but that does not mean that you are standing still. Take the time to enjoy the view as you continue to progress at work and in your private life. Whether you rush ahead or move slowly, you will eventually get to where you want to be. The question is, however, what have you missed along the way? HINT: Unusual expenses have put a dent in your savings but by the end of the month you will be able to begin putting money aside once again. PISCES---WATERFEBRUARY 19-MARCHA breakdown in communication between yourself and your partner and/or mate is expected. Sometimes, it is better to remain silent and this will be one of those times. For quite a while you have been looking for a new project to get involved in and once you have tied up a few loose ends you will be free to turn your energy toward this new challenge. HINT: Family has always come first, and this week you will have the opportunity to do something special for someone you love. ARIES---FIREMARCH 21-APRIL 19The time has come for you to begin making some serious plans for your future. For far too long you have let things slide and if you don’t do something soon, you may discover that you have missed a seriously important opportunity. In order to avoid confusion, make appointments with a few experts you trust and be sure to take detailed notes. The time to act will be very soon. HINT: Be careful where you leave your wallet and keys on Monday and Tuesday. TAURUS---EARTHAPRIL 20-MAYYou may find it rather difficult to get things done this week. Papers get lost, communications are muddled and your patience is wearing thinner and thinner. Instead of getting angry and upset, remember that things happen and sometimes it is just wisest to take a deep breath and walk away. You continue to put a great deal of effort and thought into your relationship with your partner and/or mate and this week is no exception. HINT: Take some time this weekend to simply rest and relax. GEMINI---AIRMAY 21-JUNE 21You can’t seem to find a quiet corner and the best place to get some serious thinking done may be in the middle of a crowd of strangers. You need to re-assess your work schedule and try to put some more balance into your life. For those of you considering major renovations to your home or office, this is not the best time as you are not thinking as clearly as you need to. Wait a couple of weeks and then decide. HINT: Get out and party, but if you drink don’t drive and if you can’t afford it then don’t order it. CANCER---WATERJUNE 22-JULY 22Usually the first one to pick up the phone or send an e-mail, this week you feel the need to withdraw and hide in a comfortable corner. For the time being you just can’t seem to find the strength to make idle conversation or be the life of the party. Never mind, in the next few weeks all will be back to normal. Take this time to recharge and think of what your next challenge is going to be. HINT: The time has come for you to be yourself and to do what is good for you, for a change. LEO---FIREJULY 23-AUGUST 22Money and finances continue to be on your mind and although you are concerned there is nothing you can do right now that will make a major difference. Curb your spending and make lists. You can’t continue to support your family forever. Soon you will feel the need to pamper yourself and will need a few coins in your pocket in order to do so. HINT: This is a perfect time for finding a special place where you can work and create. There is so much you want to do and nothing is going to stop you this time!