By GREER FAY CASHMANIsrael's Coastline 370(photo credit: Sharon Udasin)
■ ON TUESDAY of this week, stand-up comedian Shalom Assayag and several other entertainers, among them Harel Moyal, Bat El Tahar and stars of The Voice such as Tzvika Hadar and Anat Sarouf, were in Beersheba on a mission aimed at saving the life of five-year-old Harel Davosh, who is in urgent need of treatment in the United States. The target was to raise $350,000 to send Harel and one of his parents to America. The fund-raiser was organized by the Hapoel Beersheba Sports Club in conjunction with Hoshit Yad (Stretching Out a Hand). Harel has suffered from cancer for half of his short life. Notwithstanding all the advances in medicine in Israel, his best chance for survival is in the US and not in Israel. Whenever there is a need to help a child, especially one as ill as Harel, Israel’s entertainment industry is quick to respond.■ TEL AVIV Mayor Ron Huldai will be the guest of honor at tonight’s White City Shabbat community dinner for young professionals and lone soldiers in their 20s and 30s. The venue is the NCS Synagogue at 126 Ben-Yehuda Street on the corner of Ben- Gurion, starting at 7 p.m. Further details, including how to pay for the dinner, are available on White CityShabbat. For NIS 70 and an opportunity to meet lots of people, make new friends and possibly find a significant other, it’s pretty good value for money.■ CINEMA CITY is spreading its wings to Netanya. Brothers Leon and Moshe Edry last week signed a contract with Ya’acov Cohen of the New Line Cinema chain, real estate developer Kobi Rogovin and Ran Federman for the construction of a Cinema City in Netanya at an investment of NIS 80 million. The complex will be built on a tract of land owned by Rogovin and Federman and will include 10 smart movie houses, two VIP auditoriums and a 1,500-seat theater hall.■ ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY is gradually doing away with many things that used to be part of people’s lives and is making them obsolete. We’ve said our farewells to typewriters, transistor radios, gramophones, records, aerograms, washboards, wringers and a host of other objects that were in daily use not so long ago. Now it appears that the postcard is also becoming obsolete. After all, who needs to send a postcard when SMS and email are available? These days, postcards are mostly found in museums. Yad Vashem, for instance, displays postcards sent from ghettos and concentration camps. They are vital factors in documenting the history of that era.Realizing that postcards are fast disappearing, the powers-that-be at Oranim College in Kiryat Tivon have organized an exhibition of postcards. Many people keep the postcards that are sent to them, and thus an appeal from organizers for people to lend their postcards met with favorable response from students, teachers and artists.There are some 100 postcards with messages that are sometimes mundane and sometimes almost embarrassingly intimate. Among those who made their postcards available for the exhibition, which will be open from January 21 to 30, were Gil Mualem, Vered Shahaf, Hani Dahan, Tal Oz, Yana Toloshinsky, Yael Israeli, Nona Orbach, Idit Goldzweig, as well as a group of prisoners from the Kishon jail.■ THE ANNUAL fund-raising event of the English Speaking Friends of Tel Aviv University this year will be an exciting documentary entitled Shadya. The film tells the story of an Israeli Arab international karate champion whose life outside sports is a constant fight for independence from her family, her religion and her culture as she travels the world. The screening at the Cohen-Porter United Kingdom Building of Life Sciences Auditorium (014) will be on Friday, February 1 at 11 a.m.