Forty-six people died in road accidents in the month of May – the highest numbers of traffic fatalities recorded in a single month since 2008.
Forty-six people died in road accidents in the month of May – the highest numbers of traffic fatalities recorded in a single month since 2008, the traffic safety organization Or Yarok (Green Light) reported on Thursday.Or Yarok Director Shmuel Aboav warned that the number heralded the start of a “catastrophic” summer, which traditionally has more traffic fatalities than the winter.“The loss of life of 46 people should be a red light for us as the summer begins,” said Aboav.He noted that in most countries the highest number of traffic fatalities occur during the winter and are weather-related accidents, but Israel’s moderate winter climate means that the summer is actually more dangerous.“During these months, you must pay attention to road rage and driver exhaustion given the high temperatures, and avoid extreme behaviors while driving,” Aboav said.According to the report, which used data from the Central Bureau of Statistics since 2003, an average of 110 people are killed in road accidents during the summer months (June-August), compared to an average of 105 people killed in the winter months (December-February).By city, the trends for traffic accidents are more random.For example, in Tel Aviv, the most dangerous month for traffic accidents is May.Since 2003, 2,503 people have been injured in traffic accidents during the month of May. The safest month is October, with 1,989 injuries.Jerusalem’s traffic patterns are reversed: the most dangerous month is October, with 1,529 injuries, and the safest is May, with 1,353 injuries.Meanwhile, in Haifa traffic accidents are most common in January, with 1,254 injuries, and least common in September, with 873 injuries.