Rami levi weighs the odds between a shopping mall and a hotel to take the place of the Rav Chen movie theater in the Talpiot Industrial Zone.
MORE OR less in tandem with the opening of a new cinema complex in Abu Tor, a veteran bank of cinemas in the Talpiot Industrial Zone is about to close. From a report in Kol Ha’ir, it would seem that Rami Levy, whose diverse business interests include ownership of the building in which the Rav Chen movie theaters are located, has decided that the structure, a white elephant, has to be either pulled down or revamped.He has not yet decided what he wants to do with it, but apparently it’s the end for Rav Chen, which was never particularly user-friendly.Cinema patrons were not permitted entry into the theater lobby until five or 10 minutes prior to the screening of the movies for which they had purchased tickets. Aside from that, the building is in a relatively isolated area.Levy is weighing the odds between a shopping mall and a hotel.Considering how the once barren Talpiot Industrial Zone has developed over the past 25 years, either option seems destined for success.Meanwhile, Levy has added to his supermarket stable and has purchased seven branches of the financially ailing, debt-ridden Mega chain. Somewhat more accessible than Rav Chen is the yet to be opened Sherover cultural center in Abu Tor. The complex is close to several bus routesJERUSALEM POST readers who are interested in meeting two of the people behind the bylines will have the opportunity to do so on August 2 when Editor-in-Chief Steve Linde and International Edition editor and columnist Liat Collins will discuss what’s hot in the news this summer. Their conversation will take place at the home of Dorraine and Barry Weiss at 3 Gihon Street Abu Tor.Just as they did in Los Angeles before settling in Jerusalem, the Weisses have more or less been bringing the news to their front door by hosting newsmakers and news reporters and have invited friends and acquaintances to join them.TO MARK the 34th anniversary of the death of former Sephardi chief rabbi Yitzhak Nissim, the Seminary for Rabbis and Dayanim at Yad Harav Nissim, which honors his memory in perpetuity, this week held a memorial evening at which the keynote speakers were Rabbi Yosef Sharabi, the community rabbi of Givat Mordechai, and Rabbi Shmuel Katz, who is an expert on the history of the Chief Rabbinate.Throughout his adult life, Nissim’s home was a meeting place for scholars and community leaders. He was a strong believer in mending rifts between different segments of the population, including the secular population, and he frequently visited secular kibbutzim to discuss religion with the members. He was also one of the few rabbis who accepted the Indian Bene Israel as full Jews who could legitimately marry other Jews.
Rabbi Nissim was the father of Moshe Nissim, who was the youngest ever member of Knesset, entering the legislature at age 24. He later held several ministerial positions, including that of justice minister. Moshe Nissim, a practicing lawyer, lives in Jerusalem within five minutes’ walk of Yad Harav Nissim.FOR THE past 12 years David Rose, the executive director of British Friends of ZAKA, has traveled countless times between his home in Beit Shemesh to various destinations in the United Kingdom to address parlor meetings and synagogue congregations in a bid to raise money for Israel’s ZAKA Search and Rescue volunteers.Recently, he decided the time had come for him to make a more personal effort in his work for ZAKA, so he and his wife, Elisheva, joined the annual 10 kilometer London run that took place on July 12. The couple got into training and looked for sponsors. The training included participation in the Jerusalem Night Run. Rose and his wife subsequently flew to London to join the Run ZAKA team.The ZAKA runners were among 25,000 runners all running for good causes. Rose explained afterwards, “From my Jaffa Road office in Jerusalem, I have watched ZAKA volunteers run to traffic accidents and terror attacks. I have watched ZAKA International Rescue Unit volunteers drop everything at a moment’s notice to run halfway around the world to help in Nepal, Japan and Haiti, among others. About six months ago, I felt the time had come for me to run for ZAKA. It was an amazing feeling to reach the finishing line, knowing that this time I had personally contributed to ZAKA fund-raising efforts.”